Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Type of Exception in Pl / Sql

CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN ~ You tried to OPEN a cursor that was already OPEN. You must CLOSE a cursor before you try to OPEN or re-OPEN it. 

DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX ~ Your INSERT or UPDATE statement attempted to store duplicate values in a column or columns in a row which is restricted by a unique index.

INVALID_CURSOR  ~ You made reference to a cursor that did not exist. This usually happens when you try to FETCH from a cursor or CLOSE a cursor before that cursor is OPENed.

~ PL/SQL executes a SQL statement that cannot convert a character string successfully to a number. This exception is different from the VALUE_ERROR exception, as it is raised only from within a SQL statement.

LOGIN_DENIED ~  Your program tried to log onto the Oracle RDBMS with an invalid username-password combination. This exception is usually encountered when you embed PL/SQL in a 3GL language.

NO_DATA_FOUND ~ This exception is raised in three different scenarios:
(1) You executed a SELECT INTO statement (implicit cursor) that returned no rows.
(2) You referenced an uninitialized row in a local PL/SQL table.       
(3) You read past end of file with UTL_FILE package.

NOT_LOGGED_ON  ~ Your program tried to execute a call to the database (usually with a DML statement) before it had logged into the Oracle RDBMS.

PROGRAM_ERROR ~ PL/SQL encounters an internal problem. The message text usually also tells you to "Contact Oracle Support."

STORAGE_ERROR ~ Your program ran out of memory or memory was in some way corrupted.

TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE ~ A timeout occurred in the RDBMS while waiting for a resource.

TOO_MANY_ROWS ~ A SELECT INTO statement returned more than one row. A SELECT INTO can return only one row; if your SQL statement returns more than one row you should place the SELECT statement in an explicit CURSOR declaration and FETCH from that cursor one row at a time.

TRANSACTION_BACKED_OUT ~ The remote part of a transaction is rolled back, either with an explicit ROLLBACK command or as the result of some other action.

VALUE_ERROR ~ PL/SQL raises the VALUE_ERROR whenever it encounters an error having to do with the conversion, truncation, or invalid constraining of numeric and character data. This is a very general and common exception. If this same type of error is encountered in a SQL DML statement within a PL/SQL block, then the INVALID_NUMBER exception is raised.

~ Your program tried to divide by zero.

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