Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What is PL/SQL table ?

A PL/SQL table is a one-dimensional, unbounded, sparse collection of homogenous elements, indexed by integers


A PL/SQL table can have only one column. It is, in this way, similar to a one-dimensional array. 

Unbounded or Unconstrained

There is no predefined limit to the number of rows in a PL/SQL table. The PL/SQL table grows dynamically as you add more rows to the table. The PL/SQL table is, in this way, very different from an array.
Related to this definition, no rows for PL/SQL tables are allocated for this structure when it is defined. 


In a PL/SQL table, a row exists in the table only when a value is assigned to that row. Rows do not have to be defined sequentially. Instead you can assign a value to any row in the table. So row 15 could have a value of `Fox' and row 15446 a value of `Red', with no other rows defined in between. 

Homogeneous elements

Because a PL/SQL table can have only a single column, all rows in a PL/SQL table contain values of the same datatype. It is, therefore, homogeneous.
With PL/SQL Release 2.3, you can have PL/SQL tables of records. The resulting table is still, however, homogeneous. Each row simply contains the same set of columns. 

Indexed by integers

PL/SQL tables currently support a single indexing mode: by BINARY_INTEGER. This number acts as the "primary key" of the PL/SQL table. The range of a BINARY_INTEGER is from -231-1 to 231-1, so you have an awful lot of rows with which to work

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