Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What are the cursor attributes used in PL/SQL?

For Implicit Cursors:-
Found - Returns TRUE If the last DML Statement affect atleast 1 row otherwise FALSE.
NotFound - Returns TRUE If last DML Statement doesn't affect atleast 1 row otherwise FALSE.
Rowcount - Returns number of rows affected by the last DML statement.
Isopen - Returns TRUE if the cursor is open otherwise FALSE. Its always returns FALSE incase of implicit cursor. Because after executing the DML statement Oracle Server automatically close the cursor.

For Explicit Cursors:-
Found - Returns TRUE if the Last fetch returns a Row otherwise FALSE.
NotFound - Returns TRUE if the last fetch doesn't return any row otherwise FALSE.
Rowcount - Returns number of rows returned so far from the active set.
Isopen - Returns TRUE if the cursor is open otherwise FALSE.

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